Our thoughts are with our members and communities impacted by Cyclone Alfred. Stay safe, and please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you need assistance from our team. See More
Are you ready to switch to Regional Australia Bank? With competitive interest rates and a focus on building stronger and better communities in regional Australia, switching your banking to Regional Australia Bank is easier than you might think. Follow these simple steps and see the difference we make
Becoming a member is easy. To open an account, apply online, call 132 067 or visit your nearest branch. To enquire about bringing your loans across to Regional Australia Bank talk to us or just fill in this enquiry form and we'll get in touch.
Fill in this form and email it to enquiries@regionalaustraliabank.com.au and we’ll contact your old financial institution to get a list of your direct debits and credits over the last 13 months. They will then send it to you to check and update.
Please keep in mind this will not include Pay Anyone payments, BPAY® payments, periodical payments, payments linked to your transaction account and any direct credits or debits linked to your debit or credit cards. You will need to find these payments yourself by checking your previous financial institution's statements and/or internet banking.
It's easy to update all your regular payments to your new Regional Australia Bank account. It also helps avoid any additional fees such as dishonour fees or overdrawn account fees.
If all your regular debits and credits are now successfully established on your new account, you can close your old bank account.
® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518
Call now or send us your details and we'll call you.