Our thoughts are with our members and communities impacted by Cyclone Alfred. Stay safe, and please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you need assistance from our team. See More
Foreign cash is available in a range of over 30 currencies, with pickup usually available within two working days. For added convenience, a choice of denominations is offered for most currencies1.
Do you need to send money overseas to family, friends or business suppliers? Do you want to receive an international payment from family back home? We can help you send money to 170 countries in more than 130 currencies through our Internet Banking, or at your local branch.
To enquire about International Transfers, organise Foreign Cash or a Cash Passport call 132 067, visit your local branch or fill in the form below.
Fill the following form so we can get in touch soon
Subject to acceptability, unused banknotes can be converted back into Australian Dollars (at the prevailing conversion exchange rate) when you return home. Travelex Limited (ABN 36 004 179 953, AFSL 222 444) is the supplier of foreign cash, and arranges for the issue of travellers cheques on behalf of American Express Travel Related Services Company Inc.
Telegraphic transfers are provided by Western Union Business Solutions (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 24 150 129 749 AFSL 404092, trading as Convera, to your Financial Institution pursuant to its agreement with your Financial Institution. Please note that fees & charges and terms & conditions apply and may vary depending upon the financial product. The relationship relating to telegraphic transfers is solely between you and the Financial Institution. WUBS does not give you any advice, general, personal or otherwise. This communication has been prepared solely for informational purposes and does not in any way create binding obligations. No representations, warranties or conditions of any kind, express or implied, are made in this communication. WUBS is an operating division of the Western Union Company.