Our thoughts are with our members and communities impacted by Cyclone Alfred. Stay safe, and please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you need assistance from our team. See More
To enquire about banking at Regional Australia Bank simply complete this short form. So we can find the right fit for you, please provide as much information as possible.
Interest rates are on a per annum basis and are current as of today's date and are subject to change.
In case you have a change of mind, we provide a grace period of 14 calendar days, starting on the Deposit Date. If you would like to withdraw or transfer your investment to a different term, please contact us to arrange this.
If you withdraw part or all of the investment before the Maturity Date, the interest paid on the withdrawn amount will be calculated as follows:
Where interest has been paid prior to the Maturity Date, the above adjustment will be made to the Deposit Amount.
Interest payable reverts to Base Interest if interest conditions are not met. Base Interest paid on portion of account balance up to $250,000.
This product is not available to associations or trusts. Maximum of one Savings Booster account per member.