Our thoughts are with our members and communities impacted by Cyclone Alfred. Stay safe, and please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you need assistance from our team. See More
Although CDR is starting in the banking industry, it won’t stop there. It will gradually be applied to other sectors of the economy.
As the CDR rolls out across the country, many benefits will be uncovered. For example, small businesses and sole traders use a range of accounting and business management applications daily. CDR will allow these applications to safely and securely connect to up-to-date banking data. This could make a real difference to people who need to concentrate on their business and not their banking.
Find out more on how we handle your data in our easy-to-read policy: Consumer Data Right Policy (5 min read).
Regional Australia Bank, along with other banks, will undergo some service enhancements to our CDR implementation. Please check the ACCC rectification schedule for the details of the current gaps in our implementation.
Regional Australia Bank is listed under "Banking - non major data holders" on this page in the "R-S" tab.
Speak to us to find out more on how we've implemented the Consumer Data Right.