People reading our target market determinations

Target Market Determinations

Overview of the Target Market Determination (TMD) for all products currently offered to our members.

Why does Regional Australia Bank have TMDs?

As a financial product issuer, we provide a Target Market Determination (TMD) for each financial product we offer.

By having TMDs, we can ensure that we have identified a target market of consumers and designed products that are suitable for that target market. It also allows us to review our products so that customers receive products that are likely to match their likely goals, financial situation and needs.

Our TMDs are available below for you to view and describe:

  • The type of consumer we designed the product for
  • The product and its key attributes
  • How we will distribute the product
  • Why and when we will review the product

It is important to note that TMDs do not include a product's terms, conditions, fees or charges, and provide general guidance only. Therefore, the information should not be a substitute for personal financial advice.

When deciding if a product is suitable for you, please refer to our Account and Access Facility Conditions of Use, Summary of Accounts and Availability of Access Facilities, Fees and Charges, and applicable interest rates.

Reporting Inconsistences with Target Market Determinations (TMDs)

We continuously monitor our products to meet our Product Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO), while prioritising honest and clear communication to help ensure that our customers are well-informed and confident in our processes and decisions. In our commitment to openness and transparency, we’ve made it easier for customers and frontline teams to report any issues with our Target Market Determinations (TMDs).

Your trust is essential to us, and we work diligently to maintain it through our transparent practices. If you notice any inconsistencies or have concerns about how a product is being distributed, please:

  • Contact us on 132 067 or visit one of our branches or speak to your Relationship Manager.

We appreciate your feedback and support.

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