Get instant account updates

15 December 2020 | Money Management

With our free instant alerts, you can have an SMS, email or internet banking secure message sent to you for most types of transactions including when you get paid, when your balance drops to an amount (set by you), when your credit card payment is overdue, or perhaps you’d just like to know what your balance is at the close of business each day. Set up is easy and only takes a few minutes.

Steps to setting up alerts:

Login to internet banking and select “Settings” from the top menu bar.

Account Alerts Step 1

Use the drop-down list to select “Alerts”.

Account Alert Step 2

Click on the “Create an alert” button.

Account Alert Step 3

 From the drop-down list select which account you want to create the alert for.

Account Alert Step 4

Now from the drop-down list, select what type of alert you would like.

Account Alert Step 5

 Follow any prompts to personalise your alert.

Account Alert Step 6

 Select how you want to receive your alerts (SMS, email or internet banking secure message).

Account Alert Step 7

 Click save and you’re done!

Account Alerts Step 8