Call for Director Nomination

5 July 2023 | News

Call for Director Nomination Nominations are called to fill one vacant position on the Board of Regional Australia Bank Ltd, to be appointed at the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Thursday 23 November 2023.

The Board of Regional Australia Bank currently comprises of seven (7) directors. It has been determined by the Board that the number of directors will remain at a maximum of seven (7) for the period commencing from the 2023 AGM until the 2024 AGM.

There will be one (1) vacant director position available at the 2023 AGM, with Mr Mike Fenech, as a current director, offering himself for re-election.

Nominations are invited from eligible members to stand as a candidate for the position of Director and may be obtained by contacting:

Mr David Munday - Company Secretary

Email: [email protected]

In order to nominate, a candidate must:

(i) be a member of Regional Australia Bank Ltd, for at least the past 12 continuous months;

(ii) be eligible for election under Division 13.2 of the Constitution (Eligibility to be a Director);

(iii) be nominated by two (2) members of Regional Australia Bank Ltd and consent to the nomination;

(iv) be at least 18 years of age;

(v) complete a Personal Information Questionnaire and other relevant eligibility information;

(vi) provide all information that is requested to determine if the candidate is disqualified by law from acting as a director;

(vii) demonstrate how they meet the required skills, knowledge and competencies for eligibility; and appointment; and

(viii) be able to attend a face to face interview.

You will be ineligible to be a director of Regional Australia Bank Ltd if you have been convicted of a disqualifying offence as set out in section 20 of the Banking Act 1959.

The Board require a candidate with deep operational experience garnered at an executive level in a customer owned ADI or financial services sector with a particular focus on the following skills: credit, interest rate risk, capital management and treasury operations. Prior director experience is necessary, along with the ability to think strategically and identify and critically assess strategic opportunities.

Where a candidate meets these skills requirements, they will be interviewed and assessed by the Board Director Nominations Committee to determine the fitness and propriety and skills, knowledge and competency of the candidate to be and act as a director, by reference to Regional Australia Bank’s Fit and Proper Policy, Banking Executive Accountability Regime and the Director Skills and Experience Matrix.

Nominations must be received by the Company Secretary, [email protected], prior to 12:00 noon on Monday 14 August 2023.