Our CDR Policy - Things you should know
Step 5 of 8

When you share data with us

Your data, your control

You have full control over your data. Here's what you need to know.


You are in control of your data

  • We will confirm what data you have asked us to share.
  • We will not sell your data to anyone.
  • We won’t give your data to any third party without telling you first and asking for permission.
  • You can view and cancel your consent at any time.
  • If you cancel consent, we will delete all your data. Cancelling consent might impact a service provided by a CDR recipient.
  • We may need to keep some information for a period of time under  Australian law.
  • We will remind you every 90 days of any active consents.

Managing your data

View and change your consents

We provide a secure dashboard where you can view and revoke the consents you’ve given to us.

Here you can see

  • When you gave consent
  • When consents expire
  • When we collected data

You can access it anytime at: https://dashboard.cdr.regionalaustraliabank.com.au/

Stop sharing your data

  1. Go to your dashboard
  2. Follow the prompts to cancel. There are no penalties for withdrawal of consent.
  3. We’ll confirm via the dashboard, that we’ve stopped sharing your data

Appoint a representative

  • You can ask someone else to manage your data sharing
  • Use the dashboard to nominate a representative
  • Or appoint an authority on your Regional Australia Bank accounts. For more details, see our Account and Access Facility Conditions of Use on our website.
  • We’ve built our CDR technology with security at it's core. We follow best practices to protect your data.
  • We collect and store all CDR data in our secure banking environment. We use professionally managed, monitored, and tested infrastructure in Australia.

If a security breach occurs we:

  • Contain the data breach to prevent any further leak of personal information.
  • Assess the data breach by gathering the facts. Then check the risks of potential harm to affected consumers and take action to reduce any risk of harm.
  • Notify members that are impacted by an incident. If the breach is an ‘eligible data breach’ under the Notifiable Data Breach scheme, we will also notify the Office of the Information Commissioner.
  • Review the incident and consider what actions we can take to prevent future breaches.
  • More information
Step 5 of 8